Product FAQ

Product FAQ's

In this section you can find answers to the most frequent questions about our products. If you need technical support, do not hesitate to contact us by email at or by phone at +1 (774) 294-4744.

2505 - Clearcoat HS 2K, easy to use, with high gloss level and hardness. Application with two coats with intermediate evaporation time.

2605 - Clearcoat UHS 2K that allows fine finishes. Exceptional for anyone working with a light anchor application and a second coat of more charged finish.

2705 - Clearcoat UHS 2K with new technology for quick air drying. Drying in 2h at 20ºC or in 10' at 50ºc. It can be polished immediately after in both cases. Ideal for high productivity and great energy savings.

2805 - Antidrip Clearcoat UHS 2K  whose thixotropic properties make it extremely stable, allowing a very easy and safe application, even vertically. Particularly suitable for self-repair cycles with opaque water bases where it allows to significantly reduce the effects due to the absorption of the same bases opaque to water.

2001 - Clearcoat HS 2K opaque.

For advice on the type of intervention you are interested in, please contact by email, or call us on +1 (774) 294-4744..
We will offer you specialized technical support! 

You can download the technical sheets of each product in the "Download" section of the site, or you can consult our video tutorials directly on oyr YouTube channel.
If you do not find what you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact us by emailing, or by calling us on +1 (774) 294-4744.

You can see the outstanding results of our products by visiting the "Testimonials" section of our site and following us on our social media, Instagram and Facebook.

In the "Download" section of our website you can find all the technical and safety data sheets of our products, divided by categories and by language.

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