
Account FAQ's

In this section you can find all the necessary information on how to manage your user profile.
If you did not find what you were looking for, please email us at or call us at +1 (774) 294-4744.

To register click on "My Account" (top right).
Enter the required data in the "Register" section, indicating whether you are a company or a private customer.
Remember to accept the Privacy Policy conditions before clicking the red button to confirm your registration.
You will then be redirected to the website homepage where, on the top right, you will see "Hello .." followed by your name instead of the words "My account". 
You can also register later on, when completing your first order.

Registering your account is a necessary requirement to use our online purchasing system.
In your profile you will find all your registration data, your order history, your wish list and your customer status if you join our loyalty programs. You can access this information by pointing the cursor to the user icon on the top right and selecting the desired topic. 

To access the website with your previously registered account, click on "My Account" at the top right of the screen.
In the "Login" section on the left, enter your registration email (username) and the password you registered with.
Once you are logged in, your name will appear in the upper right corner instead of "My Account". This will also help you to check if you are still connected in case of future accesses.

You can retrieve your password by clicking on the "Forgot your password?" box that will appear on the login screen.
You will be asked to enter the email with which you registered.
Check your inbox where you will find an email with all the necessary directions to re-enter a new password.

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